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HILL HOUSE - Group Show - Exhibitions - Simchowitz Gallery

Simchowitz is pleased to present HILL HOUSE Group Show, the first multi-artist exhibition at our new Hill House space in Pasadena featuring exhibitions of emerging contemporary art, Simco Audio - presentations of audiophile quality music systems, artist residencies and alternate programming bringing discourse on a range of broad topics together in an integrated multifunctional space.

Please join us this Sunday, September 8th from 12pm-5pm to celebrate the show and participating artists with music by Simco Audio. Refreshments will be served, bring your bathing suits and a towel.

Participating artists: Gene A’Hern, Codi Barbini, Craig Boagey, Petra Cortright, Penny Cortright, Sydney Cortright, Serge Attukwei Clottey, NH Depass, Dané Estes, Ciprian Gray, Nico Hernandez, Marc Horowitz, Elizabeth Ibarra, Mars Ibarreche, Coulter Jacobs, Athena Lemanska, Jasmine Little, Holly Lowen, Tyler Macko, Shaina McCoy, Julian Pace, Lisa Pomares, Lily Ramírez, Ken Taylor Reynaga, Mhlengi Shange, Stefan Simchowitz, Leila Spilman.

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